Exercise 6: The order of things

The order of things

When working with Gobstones, things are done following certain order. For example, if we have this program:

program {

a simple way to read it (called operational) is the way a computer would do it, in order, from top to bottom: first, it moves to the north: Move(North) then, it moves to the east: Move(East) And, in fact, it is executed in this way. This how it does it.

However, human beings, usually think according to the final result, that is to say, we give importance to the objective of the program. We prioritize what it does than how it does it. This denotative way leads us to say that, simply, the head is moved to the northeast.

That is why there are many ways to solve a same problem: we can write different programs that do the same thing (what), but that do it in a different way (how).

Let's see if you get this: write another program which does the same thing than the previous one (move to the northeast), but in a different way. Watch out: it has to work in a 2x2 board.

Give me a hint!

Try switching the order of the commands. Although the computer will execute the program in a different order, the final result will be the same.

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